Encouragement from Exponential 2022

The Exponential Conference is world’s largest gathering of Church multiplication leaders. It’s a place where Church Planters and ministry leaders go to be encouraged in their faith, built into as ministry leaders and equipped with actionable principles, ideas, and solutions to lead their Churches and communities.

This year Exponential was back in Orlando, FL for their National Conference and the theme was “Empowered”. During this time, we grew in awareness of the Holy Spirit’s work and leadership and were encouraged that we will always be more effective if we move with the Holy Spirit. There were lots of different ministry tracks, including a new Digital/Metaverse Ministry track hosted by Jeff Reed.

With the variety of tracks, workshops and phenomenal main sessions, there was some great encouragement shared by the speakers. Here are some quotes from what was said at Exponential 2022:

“Relationships trumps Technology. Relationships trumps Strategy” – Tyler Samson

“The heart of the human problem is the human heart”  – Christine Caine

“Harsh religious authority is the greatest stumbling block to evangelism today.” – Daniel Yang

“I’d rather have the Holy Ghost than a strategy” – Michael Carrion

“I may not understand what’s going on, but I’m with the prince of peace.” – Michael Carrion

“Living an empowered life is less about achieving something, and more about letting things go.”Danielle Strickland

“The issue is not what He is saying, but if you are listening.”Pete Grieg

“Is God speaking to me? ABC: Is it… Affirming, Biblical, Christlike” – Pete Greig

“If we are not careful we will return to a pre-covid powerless church.”Jon Tyson

“Is prayer your first response or your last resort?” - Joby Martin #Exponential Click To Tweet

“If our prayers aren’t intimidating to us, they may be insulting to God”Joby Martin

“Your prayers will reveal what you really believe about God.”  – Joby Martin

“There are things God has called you to do, that you won’t be able to do if one ounce of you is depending on your own power.”Hosanna Wong

“You can’t stand in the moment you’ve been called to if you’re stuck in the moment where you failed. God is calling you to a new moment.”Albert Tate


At Exponential 2022 there were lots of speakers and sessions that encouraged ministry leaders and Church Planters from around the world. These are just a few of the many great things heard and experienced. But, the great news is that these kinds of encouragement and experiences don’t end here. Exponential is much MORE than just a Conference. It is a movement and there are plenty of other regional gatherings, webinars, roundtable discussions and training that they offer. If you’d like to learn more about Exponential and all that is available, click here.

Below is a recap video from Exponential 2022.

Were you at Exponential 2022? If so, what did you learn? What encouraged or challenged you in your life or ministry? Share below or comment on social media. 

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