End of the Year Assessment of where your students are at

It’s the end of the school year right around the corner so now is the time to start assessing and evaluating how well you did.  As an overall program, you can evaluate based on what you goals were at the beginning of the year.  But what about students?  How do you evaluate their spiritual growth and development over the course of the year.  I have found a few different ones that have been helpful over the years.

  1. Youth Specialities has great handouts you could use.  They have high school ones and middle school ones.  Check them out as they offer a variety of discussion starters.  But, more importantly, they have some Assessment Handouts so you can find out exactly where your students are at.
  2. Spiritual Assessment Test by Lifeway.  This is something you can do and modify to fit what you want to ask.
  3. Teachervision has some great “Get to Know” mixers and ideas.  Obviously, this site is geared to School Teachers, but a tweak here and there and you can replace some of their get to know items with what you want to know about your students.  Be careful though – pick wisely, the 1st 3 links you click on this site are FREE!  After that, it cost money.
These are just a few ways you can begin the assessment process.  But, they are not the only ways to evaluate.  I know there are more ways and tools you can use you can do this.  So, TAKE A MINUTE and…
  • Post a comment of ways you have used to Assess Where Your Students are at so that we can all benefit!

2 Replies to “End of the Year Assessment of where your students are at”

  1. This past week we had our 8th graders present their faith journey. It was amazing to see how they articulated their faith and understanding of God's participation in their life. It was a great way for them to assess their own spiritual growth in their own unique ways. Some made small books, others made posters, one even made an animated movie. We invited friends and family to the presentations… it was beautiful.

    1. Really cool idea! Who did they share it with? The whole group, just leaders or friends/family? I'd love to hear more about it.

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