Quotes that Inspire and Challenge ENGAGE Conference 2021

ENGAGE Conference had another spectacular year of amazing presentations that inspired thousands of ministry leaders. It was great to be learning and to be part of it (I led a session on Twitter and how you can use it to be a Digital Missionary). Engage Conference There was so much great content out there. As I still process and debrief the conference, here are some quotes that I heard that really stood out to me: Quotes from ENGAGE Conference ’21 (just some of the many great things said):

  • Digital is HERE to STAY!” – Greg Atkinson
  • ​Hospitality is not to change people but to offer them space where change can take place.” Greg Atkinson
  • “If we can engage with them online, they will be more likely to engage with us in person.” – Muta Mwenya
  • Leadership is about influence, not about control. ~ Zachary Minton
  • “Graphic design allows you to introduce Jesus to the unchurched in a way that makes them want to meet Him.” – Larry Weathers
  • “The attraction model Church has not been ultra attractive to unbelievers for quite some time.” – Tyler Samson
  • “When it comes to creating interactions, the platform that is still tailor made for this more than any other is Instagram Stories.” – Brady Shearer 
  • “Be ruthlessly curious on what is going on with you to be a better leader.” – Clay Scroggino
  • “Self-awareness is the foundational piece to both personal and professional growth.”-
  • “Adapt, don’t adopt.” – Jason Moore
  • “Websites make a huge first impression on the people that look at them, and will likely be the tipping point for whether someone decides to visit.” – Ali Hofmeyer
  • “Christians have the greatest story to share. So we should be the best storytellers out there.” – Ben Stapley
  • “Move away from transactional thinking to relational thinking.” – Midnight Oil
  • “Hospitality is a top priority because it affects everything that happens in church” – Rebecca Carlisle & Mary Ann Sibley
  • “Online content drives people to on land community.” – Alex Wilson
  • “Good stories always bring people together.” – Alex Wilson
  • “No matter what size you are or how big your staff is, you have a huge opportunity on social media.” – Nils Smith
  • “In order to have a friend you have to be a friend. It is the same thing on social media.” – Katie Allred
  • “The challenge is: Do not look down on young people! But let them lead.” – Rich Birch 
  • “When life gets complicated people turn to YouTube for solutions.” – Dave Adamson
  • “Social media allows us to have a place where we can do life together outside of the church building.”
  • “Every church should be on Twitter. [However] it is you as a person, you as an individual, that will have the biggest impact.” – Tom Pounder
What about you? What stood out to you from the ENGAGE Conference ’21? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder or #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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