Getting more engagement in your Fantasty Football League

build community and grow your ministry.  But starting a fantasy football league doesn’t just build instant community.  You, as the leader of that league (aka Commissioner), need to purposefully create engagement in your league. So how do you do it?  The Message Board. [ctt template=”3″ link=”8dpC5″ via=”no” ]The message board is your most powerful tool to create community in your Fantasy Football League.[/ctt] Message boards enable conversations to happen.  Without people posting on the message board, league members will only come in and check their lineup, waiver wire and then leave.  No one is talking, no one is conversing, no engagement is happening and no community is being built. But here’s the deal.  The message board doesn’t just magically create community and engagement.  You actually have to post on the message board to get the community building going. So try posting on the message board this week and get people talking.  It could be a poll, a post about something happening in the NFL or even a game by game breakdown of the week’s fantasy football games.  I have seen all of these work really well. A word of caution: If your attempts at getting engagement doesn’t immediately pay off and community doesn’t develop immediately, don’t stress or work.  Stay with it.  Be consistent and persistent and hopefully it will get going in a short time. So what do you think? How do you get engagement in your fantasy football league?  Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick. I’d love to hear what you are doing.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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