Enjoy your Labor Day Off

That is why I am grateful for days like Labor Day. In America these are the days where basically everyone is off – including Church workers. And since you are basically mandated to take the day off, I have one strong recommendation for you. TAKE THE DAY OFF! Enjoy a guilt free day spending time with your friends or family, sleeping in or taking naps, playing games with your family or friends, or even video games, grilling burgers or veggies or whatever else you want to do on this day. Bottom line is that you DON’T. DO. WORK. TODAY. Simple, don’t do it. If you are looking for some ideas, here are some that will surely distract you from doing work. And, who knows, you may actually enjoy not working by doing some of these things. What do you think? How do you spend days off like Labor Day? Share  your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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