Business Oriented and Critical Thinkers. These are people who may not have a direct involvement on your ministry. Rather, they are people who have a keen sense of business and they know how to run an organization. I’ve used this type of team before to help me process how I run my ministry. This team helps you by helping you process decisions and directions, not day to day operations. Now, not everything they recommend is applicable or even doable but I trusted and relied on their knowedlge to help me through different organizational situations.
Key Volunteer Leaders. This group is made up of some of your core, key volunteer leaders. The purpose of this group is to help you process the daily ins and outs of your ministry and to really become partners in helping share the load of running the ministry. These people are directly involved in your ministry and will take a role in helping you. They help take the load off of you and can really be apart of what you are doing in your ministry so you aren’t alone.

Both types of Executive Teams are useful, it just depends on what kind of help and support you need. But I would encourage you that if you do not have a team of people around you today to start thinking how you can.
In fact,
TAKE A MINUTE right now spend some time praying to God for Him to highlight a few people you could have on either one of these teams. Then, put together a list of people and begin to ask them to join you.
Again, ministry is tough…why do it alone? Get an Executive team together sooner rather than later.
Do you have an executive team similar to these? If so, how are you utilizing them to help you in ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick to join the conversation.
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