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Facebook Live enables people from your Church to stream your church services LIVE all over Facebook. That helps people who don’t go to to see from their friends what your church is like.
How does this help churches? It enables anyone from your church to stream LIVE what is happening at your church. So, whether it is a church service, a kids program, fun community event or something else happening at your church it can be live-streamed right to Facebook!
And because anyone at your church can do this, it EXPANDS the reach of the church to so many more people.
[caption id="attachment_8080" align="alignright" width="180"] To stream Live all you have to do is hit the far right icon on your Status Update.[/caption]
Up until this time you’ve only been able to use Periscope, Meerkat and a few other live stream apps to live stream. Those have good reach but limited in some ways. However, Facebook Live is tied to the LARGEST social network in the world, therefore expanding the possibilities of more new people discovering your Church and hopefully coming to know Jesus because of it.
Now, as great as Facebook Live is, don’t give up on what you are doing with Periscope or Meerkat. They are still tied to Twitter and the organic reach there is huge (as I’ve described in this post). But, by including Facebook Live into your live-streaming strategy your reach even more people than before.
One of the only drawbacks of Facebook Live is that it does not allow “Pages” to stream video…yet. Currently it is just limited to personal pages.
So, what do you think of Facebook Live? Have you tried it out? How do you think it can improve your reach? Share below or on social media with #ymsidekick your thoughts.
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