Fibbage: Bluffing in a new era of games for ministry

Fibbage yet?  It is a new, online game that might just be bring in a new era of game playing in your ministry. I heard about Fibbage when we did a Game Night for our student ministry.  Games nights are simply times for our student ministry to have no agenda other than having fun and playing together. So, as some kids were on the PS3, I heard these students laughing out of control and going crazy.  So, I went over and watched them play this game using their smartphones and the PS3.  As I watched and picked up on what was happening, I had to pay.  And when I did, it was probably one of the most fun games I’ve played in a long time. Unknown-1Fibbage is a game by Jackbox Games (the group that makes You Don’t know Jack).  It utilizes your smart-devices and a game system (PS3, PS4 or Xbox One). The game is pretty simple. After you log in (not personal information exchanged, just you creating a user name), you are given a question.  At this point you create a fib designed to trick the other players to guess your answer to be the right answer.  For instance, you may get asked the question,

“The mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky is a ________.”

After everyone has come up with a fib, you get to see all the choices and determine which one you think is true. You get points when either someone chooses your fib as the “right” answer or if you guess the correct answer.  There are a few different rounds and the person with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. It was a lot of fun as we played multiple games with a lot of different students. Here are 3 reasons why I love Fibbage for ministry:
  1. It utilizes technology to take an “old” game/concept and make it new and fresh.
  2. Even though 6 players can only play, you can make it a group/team game where many people can be involved at once.
  3. Teens and adults can have fun playing it.  Every question that was asked by Fibbage brought about a ton of chatter and laughter.  It’s a great game for bonding and laughter.
But, just like everything that is new and has a lot of good potential, I see 2 negatives some people may have with this game.  For starters, it is encouraging students to lie.  Lie is a strong word, but yes, that is true. However, I tend to think of it that is all in the name of fun and laughs in a true game environment so I’m ok with this. Secondly, it is related “T” for Teen for “Suggestive Themes, Drug Reference and Crude Humor”. I don’t recall many of these types of questions when I played but they are in there for sure. So, you have to figure out if you want to play a game with these types of references. So, what do you think?  Have you played Fibbage yet?  What has been your experience with it…good or bad?  Also, what are some other online or tech games you have begun to play with your group?  Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.  [youtube][/youtube] ]]>

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