I know I have posted about this video before, but one of the things I always enjoyed about one of my former Church’s Good Friday Service was that we ended with this Video. I don’t think it’s a hidden gem by any means because people have seen to hear about it. But, it did seem “special” to those in my church and especially with our youth program. We loved saying, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming”. Honestly, some may have said it mockingly, but it stuck and like I just posted on a lot of their Facebook walls…”It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!”. It is a good reminder for us and a good way for me to minister to them still, even if they aren’t in my youth program anymore.
So, as you reflect on the death of Christ today, read over the accounts, process it with those you are ministering to, but remind them that it may be Friday. But Sunday’s Coming!
What do you do on Good Friday? Are their any traditions you do with your students, both former and current? Share them below so we can all learn and benefit.
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