Get People in the Christmas Spirit with a YouTube Christmas Playlist

  As you can see, it does not take a lot of time or effort to create a Christmas Playlist on YouTube. Create the list, fill it with songs and share it to all those in your ministry. Creating a playlist on YouTube is helpful for a few different reasons:

  • Reach the Next Generation. So many millennials and Gen Zers are on YouTube so often, it’s another touch point for those in your ministry.
  • Organic Reach Potential. It’s an organic way for people to discover your Church. Simply put a link to your Church in the description and people may click on in if they like your playlist.
  • Spreads Christmas Cheer throughout the Week. It can go on TVs in your Church building throughout the week and even on Sundays. If you have a TV or multiple TVs in your building, you can have this playlist rotating throughout the day so as people are in your Church they can experience the joy of Christmas.
Creating a Christmas Playlist on YouTube is just one of the many ways you can make the Christmas season amazing for you, your leaders and your ministry. Get MORE Christmas ideas at the Countdown to Christmas List. What I love about doing a playlist on YouTube is that you are using digital trends to reach the younger generation without having to pay a lot of money. What do you think about creating a Christmas playlist on YouTube? Have you tried something like this before? Share how that has helped you and your ministry by commenting below or sharing on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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