Wired – the new 4 week devotional for teens.[/caption]
But finding a good one that works specifically for your students…that’s the trick. Well, I’m please to say that I think I found a new favorite devotional I’m excited for my students to try. It’s called “Wired”. Based on the XP3 series, “Wired”, Rodney and Sarah Anderson have taken it to a whole new level by creating a 4 week devotional designed specifically for the teenager today. I know everything we say is designed for today’s teenager, but here is why I think this is perfect for students in your program:
- It’s written by Orange. I know, I know, I’m an Orange fan boy but let’s be honest, I’m only an Orange fan boy because their stuff is legit. They spend hours upon hours working through the content to make it relevant to their audience. And this is no exception. Is it perfect? No, but what is? It’s worth a shot for sure.
- Memorable Bottom Lines. Bottom lines are simple phrases that communicate the point of a message or study. Each study has a bottom line for teens to take away and remember with them throughout the day. They are simple to understand and they can use them to process and remember what the study was about for the day.
- The “Try This” at the end of each week. I believe that application part is the most important part of any message or devotional for students. It’s the “so what” of the message. Who cares that God sent Jesus to die for us if there isn’t a personal application part to it. We have to make everything relevant to teens today. AND, that is exactly what “Wired” does. Not only is it an application party but they walk you through how you can apply it/try it today.