Going Dark

  • take all your vacation time given to you or are you too”important” to the ministry to leave? I have felt this way before but if we are to remained balanced on our lives, we need to take up all of our vacation.  When you feel that you are too “important” to take time off, then you must believe that you are in charge and God has no part of your ministry.  All youth ministers must guard against ever thinking this. Your ministry is always God’s ministry and it is more His than yours always.  In addition, when you take time off, you give your other leaders and helpers the opportunity to step up and assume more ownership.  That is always a great thing and could help you in the long run.
  • take your laptop with you and keep your phone by your side at all times?  Or do you try to take a break from them as well?  They may seem like harmless everyday tools we need for personal reasons, which they are.  But it can be easy to get sucked into returning a kid’s text or a parents email.  Remember, the goal of vacation is to take time off to spend with your family and friends.  You need the time off to get refreshed and recharged so that you can come back better than ever.  As Joshua Griffin from Saddleback and author of the More than Dodgeball blog says, he goes “dark” for a period of time.  He doesn’t blog and doesn’t work.  He spends it with his family.
  • So, I’m going dark down at Disney World. I am not bringing my computer, but I am bringing my phone.  But, my phone will only be used for personal purposes, not ministry in any way. Going dark is vital to youth ministers staying in ministry long term.  Whether it is routinely taking a day off or taking all of your vacation time, I know that it is not always easy.  Especially at non-mega churches where we do not have a lot of resources or as many leaders/helpers as larger churches do, finding people to cover and help out so you can be away can be a challenge.  But it is a must and will not only help you but will help bring health to your overall ministry. So, what about you?  How do you go dark and how is it helpful for you?]]>

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