Rolling Thunder before but it is a way many honor our fallen heroes by riding the motorcycles (Harley’s to be exact) into DC for a rally. It’s awesome to hear the roar of their motorcycle engines all weekend long.
What I really appreciate about Memorial Day is that it is an opportunity for people to honor and remember their friends who gave their lives for America. And, as a minister, it gives you a real opportunity to minister to families who have active military members and military veterans in their family.
How? There are a few ways:
- By hearing stories. There are so many people that you are ministering to that have family members who served and possibly died in the line of battle. Memorial Day provides a great opportunity for you to find out which families had this situation and for you to simply go and talk with them. Hear their stories. In college I did a project where I had to audio tape my grandparents about some of their stories and it was such an honor for them to share their stories and me to hear them.
- It allows you to minister to the older generation. So many of the older generation feel unwanted. However, if you go and seek them out to hear their stories about their friends who died in battle, they will feel differently. It is a great opportunity for you to minister to them and help meet their needs.
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