Current Results). While they may get a lot, cities like Washington, DC averages at 15.4 inches a year, Kansas City, MO gets an average of 15 inches and Atlanta, GA averages 2.9 inches a year. Snow happens during the winter in a lot of places.
While the snow may be very pretty to look at, it can also be dangerous and have a huge impact on your town or city. It can shut down our town. This includes Churches. While live streaming and rebroadcasting may help you keep your Church open, the rest of the town and community virtually stops. Ironically, this is a great opportunity here for your to reach out to your community and minister to them.
For starters, you can help by shoveling snow. The winter months are different from the rest of the year. Everyone usually stays indoors to keep warm. They aren’t outside congregating much. That all changes whenever there is a snowstorm. Either during the storm or right after everyone in your community comes out to shovel snow. When that happens it gives you a great opportunity to have conversations with your neighbors. Whether it is for the first time or millionth time, pray to god that He will give you the words to say to have meaningful conversations that, over time, can help introduce people in your community to Christ.
In addition to shoveling snow with those on your street, another opportunity you have in your community is to walk around and see who else in your community might need some help shoveling snow. There might be an elderly couple who needs help or a single parent who is trying to juggle the kids and shoveling. Or there might be someone who is dealing with a family sickness/illness who just can’t get to shoveling snow. Take some time to pray to God asking Him to lead you to people he wants you to help. Then set out, help some people and see where the conversation with them leads. Who knows, maybe God will lead you to have a great conversation with someone that can begin then but continue over time.
Another opportunity you have in a snowstorm is providing food or dinner. Winter storms limit your access. You may have shoveled your driveway but the streets may not have been plowed. The reality is that when snow strikes people are usually staying put in their houses. As much fun as a snow day is for children, it can be an exhausting day for parents. One way you can help out and minister to your community is to invite some of your neighbors over for a dinner and movie time together. You can host and invite others over to your house so they can get out of the house themselves. You could also make some cupcakes or cookies and then take them over to a neighbor. You don’t have to have a long conversation with them when you take the goodies over but it can be a first step in having more conversations with them down the road.
Snow storms can be good and bad. for your community. However, what they can be are real great ministry opportunities. These are just a few simple ideas for you to be thinking through but there are many others ways as well. The key is to pray before you go outside to shovel, or have conversations with neighbors or invite them over to dinner or share food with them. The more you pray and ask for God’s leading, the more likely you’ll have ministry opportunities. Who knows, maybe through all these opportunities you have to interact and engage your community, there might come a chance for you talk to them about Jesus and even invite them to Church. Trust God and let Him guide you.
What do you think? How have you used snow storms to minister to your community? What are some other opportunities out there for your to use snow storms to minister? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.
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