someone else post or tweet or simply trying to get engagement for your Church or ministry, you can always find a GIF being posted. But what about Wrestling GIFs? Do they have a place in social media? You bet! In fact, The Wrestling Pastor, Josh Reavis, has been using wrestling GIFs to inspire, encourage and simply make Pastors and ministers laugh for some time. Get to know Josh, what he is passionate about in his ministry, why he does the Wrestling Pastor and how he is using GIFs to inspire and encourage ministers in this podcast. ACTION STEPS:
- What do you think? How do you use GIFs? Share your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick to share.
- If you want to connect with Josh, you can check his Personal Twitter account and the Wrestling Pastor Twitter account. You can also buy t-shirts and merchandize here.
- Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it.
- Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.
- If you have an idea for a topic for a future podcast episode, email him here.
- Sign up for the Sidekick Scoop to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics).