How to Avoid a Strike in Your Ministry

strikeFrom time to time you will hear about workers striking. It could be teachers, hospital staff, cafe workers or any other group of workers. Currently, the writers, actors and actresses of TV shows and movies are on strike. Every group of workers strike for different reasons. However, a common reason is that they are not getting treated or paid properly.

How does this apply to ministry?

Ministry leaders or volunteers do not really “strike.” They just tend to leave their role or position. However, the question for all Churches and ministry organizations is, are you treating ministers, ministry leaders and volunteers treated well or poorly? Are they treated fairly and appropriately by Leadership and the congregation. While ministry and business comparisons is not an apples to apple comparison, when other companies are going through a strike, it does cause you to stop and reflect about how we treat our staff and fellow minsters.

Ways to avoid a strike in your ministry

So how can you treat people in ministry properly? Here are some ideas.

  • Pay a Livable Wage. Compensate all employees fairly so they can afford basic necessities. Make sure you are up-to-date with all the cost of living increases
  • Offer Benefits. These are benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. These provide financial stability and improve the ministry leader and their family with overall wellbeing.
  • Strongly Encourage Work-Life Balance. Don’t expect excessive overtime. Allow flexible schedules when possible. Give ample vacation time that employees are encouraged to use.
  • Provide Opportunities for Profession Growth and Development. Offer training and career development programs.
  • Maintain Open Communication. Invite employee input through surveys, staff discussions, and have an open door policy, Make sure Department heads listen and respond to feedback and concerns.
It's important to treating your volunteers and ministry leaders appropriately. The better you can treat them, the more likely they will feel valued and cared for. Click To Tweet


Treating ministry leaders and volunteers properly goes beyond what’s required legally. It’s about valuing employees as human beings and creating an ethical, supportive work culture. This positive approach fosters loyalty, boosts retention, and leads to greater productivity. And, while they may not strike, they won’t be leaving your ministry anytime soon either.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How can you embrace effective leadership in your ministry? Share them below or on social media. 

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