How to be an Inclusive Leader

  1. Encourage Open Communication.  And this isn’t just you saying, “hey feel free to share your thoughts.” But you actively seek out their opinions and thoughts on a subject matter.
  2. Make them feel that you want their input. Don’t just encourage open communication and say you want their input but let it be known.  Go to them and ask them their feedback and how things can improve.
  3. Take Action based on Feedback. The best way to show your leaders that you care and value them is to take action on their feedback.  That is not to say that you have to implement everything they say and want to see happen.  But, if you don’t do at least something or part of their feedback they will never think you are serious about their thoughts, feedback or opinions.
What this does is that it makes your team feel that not only do you want their opinion and insights (team unity) but that you VALUE their contribution to the team. Three simple but very effective ways to be an inclusive leader.  And the reality is that when you open up communication with your leaders and act on feedback, YOU will become a better leader. What do you think? How are you an inclusive leader and what do you do to encourage others to share input and give feedback? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share your ideas. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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