Ep. 128: How to get Specific about Honoring your Volunteers

Podcast Icon That is why Tom brought in Chad Booher today. Chad is the “Utility Player” at New Life Christian Church. He serves in a variety of roles around the Church but has been effectively working with volunteers in each of the roles. In this episode Tom and Chat talk about…

  • what Chad does and his background (hint: it wasn’t a ministry job)
  • how he chooses to honor his volunteers
  • how you can be discovering new ways to honor your volunteers.
Chad is a great resource to talk to and would love to talk anytime and even share his excel spreadsheet he has for honoring volunteers. Email him and message him on Facebook and he will get back to you. Have an idea for a future topic or someone for Tom to interview? Email him some ideas on future episodes here. Listen and make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! Join the conversation! How are you getting specific about honoring those who serve alongside of you?  What do you do? Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.  ]]>

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