“How to Jump-Start Your Youth Ministry” Notes

Justin Knowles’ Breakout from NYWC. This is one way, not THE ONLY way. It has worked in big churches and smaller churches. Justin KnowlesMinistry is a slow, grinding process. Jump-start means that you will see results and movement that is refreshing. This would be a 6 months process. 5 things to help Jump Start your Youth Ministry

  1. Meetings, meetings, meetings.  Actually it is listen, listen, listen. Most of the time why things get stagnate is because we stopped paying attention, got complacent and stopped listening. You only get answers to the questions you ask. Spend a month listening and in meetings with God, leaders and core students.
  2. Vision and Strategy. Do you have one? Are you being intentional about it? Andy Stanley says, “A mental picture of what could be, fueled by a passion that it should be.” Keep it Simple Stupid. Do you have simple, concise goals for the leaders? Everything you do should point back to your goals. Strategy is how you achieve the goals. Do you have a strategy? Lots of calendars exists but don’t serve a strategic purpose. Instead of doing more, be smart. Strategically place events.
  3. Leader Culture and Training. They are the ones in the trenches. Do your leader know what it means to win? Are they invested or are they glorified baby sitters? Do they know students names and know the purpose for why they are there? Follow up is really important for a leader to do with students. When leaders know the target, they can hit it easier. You are the keeper of your culture. A solid leader process = solid leaders. Celebrate loud, hard and often.
  4. Intentional Outreach. Take a hard look at your service. Humble yourselves because changing in culture means changing the organization. Ask tough questions as you evaluate and process.
  5. Social Media. This is the place where students will look. Don’t do it all. Make it stand out. Think about how many good looking advertisements there are. Be good at social media, it’s a main form of communication. Helpful apps: Word Swag, Over, Unfold, Hootsuite, Buffer, Later. Make a schedule and post throughout the week. Engagement is better than Quality. Our job is by giving them what they want so we can give them what they need.
To get this resource (a cleaner, more detailed version of it) from Justin Knowles, click here. What stands out to you from this session led by Justin Knowles? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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