How to keep momentum going in your ministry to ensure growth


  • Keep evaluating your ministry. When you are up big you are doing a lot of things right. However, just because you are up big doesn’t mean you are doing everything right. Sometimes you are doing some things very wrong but because you are up big, you don’t look at it as much. Keep evaluating and looking for areas of improvement.
  • Keep inspiring volunteers. Whether you are up or down big, your volunteers need to be continually met with and inspired. If things are going well, keep meeting and work on the basics and challenge them to work on some other areas and grow as a leader. If things are not going well, work on some of the basics of ministry.
  • Keep sharing life change stories. No matter where your ministry is at, there is life change that is happening. Make sure you keep sharing those stories with the volunteers and the Church so that they can get excited with what is happening. After all, even if things aren’t going perfect, the more stories of life change you can share the more momentum you can build. And, if you are already ahead of the game and doing well, you can keep the momentum going!
  • Keep learning. The only way you are going to be able to evaluate your ministry effectively, inspire volunteers and share life changing stories, is if you continue to learn. When things are going well, there can be a tendency to let up and not be learning as much as you were when you were just starting out or when things were not going as well. Don’t let that happen to you. Whether it is from books, podcasts, conferences or blog, keep learning and growing as a person and a minister.


Ministry growth doesn’t just happen by chance. You have to work at it continually. Don’t be that team that takes it easy with a big lead, thus letting momentum slip away. Keep evaluating, inspiring leaders to be all they can be, sharing stories that encourage life change and continually learn both personally and professionally. The more you can be doing this, the better your ministry will be in the long term and the more growth you can experience. You aren’t going to be up big forever so the more improvements you can be making now that you are up big, the more likely you can prevent a complete blowout loss when things aren’t going so well. What do you think?  How do you keep momentum going in your ministry that helps it grow? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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