security risks and parents had every right to be skeptical about it. But Snapchat has changed over the years. Not only has it become more secure but it has become a huge opportunity for Churches to promote and share about what they are doing. Snapchat can be used for Churches to reach people? Yes it can. In fact, I have one particular friend who uses Snapchat every Sunday to share about Church to all her friends. She uses content cards and other geofilters to share each week. What are Snapchat Geofilters? Geofilters are images that you overlay on your snaps to send to people that share where you are at and what you are doing. Snapchat has a series of these geofilters no matter where you are at. However, there is a unique benefit to them for Churches. You can actually use them to promote your Church service or event. Snapchat has provided people and businesses to create these geofilters and the great thing is that they are relatively cheap. In fact, whenever our Church has created Geofilters for our events, I have spent less than $16 each time. It is a small amount to pay to get some exposure for teens and young adults to use. Plus, the more they use your geofilter, the more of their friends can hear about your Church or ministry for possibly the first time. See how you can create a Snapchat geofilter that is just right for your next ministry event.
Snapchat has a made a lot of changes over the years to reach more people and become more secure. They are also one of the primary social media platforms teens and young adults use these days. That is why it is important to try to figure out different ways to utilize Snapchat for your Church or ministry. Snapchat Geofilters can help. Not only are they cheap, but you have a lot of flexibility to be creative with them as you create them. So whether it is for a Church service or a big ministry event like a Fall Festival, Christmas or Easter begin creating them and encourage people to use them when snapping during the event. It could go a very long way to reach more people for Christ. What do you think? Have you used Snapchat Geofilters for your ministry events yet? If so, share your thoughts below or social media using #ymsidekick when you post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"] Want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry? Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!