How to Maximize your Video Content over Multiple Platforms

  To get the most out of your video content all you have to do is… Create the Content. Meaning decide what you want content you want to share. It could be a devotional, a “how-to” video or even a piece where you answer a question. Whatever the content is, map it out so you know exactly what you want to say. Film a 3-5 minute video. This is best done with your phone in a horizontal set so you can place it on YouTube. Placing your video on YouTube will help your SEO can organic reach possibilities. Film a 1 minute Preview video.  Platforms like Twitter and TikTok can only in Portrait mode so you can put it on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter. That means you can’t put your whole video on those platforms. That is why you create a preview video so you share it on the platforms. But, make sure that when you create this simple preview video, you include the YouTube video link so that people can watch the whole video. ACTION STEPS: 

  • What do you think? How do you maximize your video content? Share what you do below or on social media using the hashtag #digitalin5 to share.
  • Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.
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