With the start of 2024 comes the start of an intense political year. In America will be a year of countless Ads on TV and the mail, billions of dollars spent by candidates and a lot of tension. Politics has become nastier and nastier over the years as the political divide has become wider and wider.
While political tensions have increased over the years, Churches have had to navigate politics and controversial social issues before. Each Church handles it differently as they, hopefully, seek to balance these divides with love and grace.
But what about Digital Missionaries? How can Digital Missionaries, approach this heated political divide and shine the light of Jesus on all you encounter online? Here are some ways.
Focus on Biblical principles. It is easy to get sucked more than partisan positions. Instead of talking about what this party or that party believes, call people to what Jesus and God say. They say a lot about justice, life, truth telling, and care for neighbor that go beyond political party affiliation.
- Allow for diversity of political opinion. Online is the wild, wild west. There will be a wide variety of opinions out there. Christ-followers should be united around the essentials of the faith, even though they may differ on the non-essentials of public policy. You don’t need to agree on everything politically.
- Avoid endorsing specific candidates. Every candidate has flaws and no one is perfect. In addition, if you endorse specific candidates, you run the risk of alienating other people in your congregation who are voting for the other candidate. Focus on the issues and the biblical principles rather than specific candidates.
- Equip others to be Digital Missionaries.The political divide has caused tremendous friction in families and have torn apart friendships. Encourage people to be digital missionaries that offer and encourage thoughtful dialogue and to follow the example of Christ as he interacted with people who disagreed with Him.
- Keep the focus on Jesus. Regardless of what people say or how they try to troll or goat you into a heated debate, keep bringing the light of Christ into the conversations you . Political parties will fail. Christ’s love will not and it will transform hearts with lasting hope. Keep the focus on
The political divide in each country and the world is severe. As a digital missionary, your job is to not unite people politically. That will never happen. People will try to trap and debate you, but don’t let it knock you off your mission. Keep your focus on Christ. Demonstrate the love of Christ to everyone you come into contact with. Political powers will come and go but the love of Christ will be the thing that has a lasting, eternal impact in their life.
Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How else can digital missionaries navigate the political divide? Share them below or on social media.
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