podcast episode with Justin Dean recently but you can be hope and encouragement to so many people right now. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that there is a ton of negativity on all sides right now, but you can be different. You can be hope to those around you on social media by doing a few things. For instance, you can…
[caption id="attachment_9890" align="alignright" width="250"] One of the images I created from a quote.[/caption]
- Share inspirational quotes. I love a great quote that inspires me to be better today than I was yesterday. And the great news is that there are so many inspiring people from the past that said some pretty amazing things. Take the quote and put it on social media. If you want to get really crazy use apps like Adobe Spark, Word Swag or Canva to put them on an image and share them.
- Share Bible verses. A tremendous source of hope and encouragement is found in the Bible. Share those verses! You can use the Bible app or, like above, use image apps like Adobe Spark, Word Swag or Canva to create images with Bible verses to share encouraging messages to others. Get people focused on love and hope when they see your social media postings.
- Share encouraging stories. Unfortunately, there are times when you share a message from the Bible or a sermon that people will immediately discount it. However, there are tons of great stories that are happening around the world right now that will inspire others to do good and be good. Share those stories and use those stories to inspire and encourage other people.
- Unfollow people. I know this sounds bad but let’s be honest, unfollowing people is very helpful. This is NOT defriending them. This is simply clicking “unfollow” on this Facebook page so you don’t see their posts on your newsfeed. Why is “unfollowing” people a good idea? Because it will give YOU hope haha! If all you see is negativity and discouraging post from those around you, it is naturally going to drag you down. It has at times for me. So instead of having my Facebook newsfeed filled up with rants and negativity, I can now see pictures of babies, kids having fun, families doing silly stuff or people taking vacations I only wish I could take. When you unfollow someone you are still friends with them, you are just saying, “I know how you feel about this. I don’t care to have it on my newsfeed any longer. We’ll revisit this when you start posting funny pictures again”.