How Toxic Leadership Destroys Churches

affected due to toxic leadership and culture within the organization. Employees, women, coaches, other team coaches and also the fans. Up until Dan Snyder bought the team in 1999, the football team formally knowns as the Washington Redskins had a long history of excellence and integrity. People like Joe Gibbs, Art Monk, Darrell Green, Sonny Jurgensen and many others were well respected and brought pride and joy to the city of Washington. But that pride began to tumble as soon as Dan Snyder took over. Bad hires, remaining stagnant, and ignoring the fans have all contributed to this. And look how it has affected the team. Not only has the toxic leadership affected the culture, but it takes a toll on the attendance. Once one of the most popular tickets in the Washington, DC area, the stadium now has a plethora of empty seats every single week and ranks the lowest in attendance in the NFL. Toxic leadership and culture has damaging effects. Affects of Toxic Leadership While toxic leadership is notable and talked about mostly in businesses and sporting organizations, Churches are not immune to this. And, just like how toxic leadership and culture can destroy businesses, it can destroy Churches. What does toxic leadership at a Church look like? Here are some examples.

  • A lack of ownership from the top down
  • An “Us” vs. “Them” mentality
  • Pitting staffers against each other (gossiping about each other)
  • Siloing and no collaboration
  • Bad hires
  • Secret meetings
  • Lack of vision (or clarity of vision)
  • Guilt driven decisions rather than goals driven decisions
  • The dominate personalities dominate the direction of the Church
  • Lack of trust amongst staffers
And just like with businesses, toxic leadership and culture in a Church affects everyone. Here is how toxic leadership impact Churches:
  • Staffers leave. They are burned out, frustrated by micro-management and disengagement from leadership. They are also given less and less freedom to use their God given talents and gifts for the Church.
  • Volunteers stop volunteering. They are constantly being asked to do more anymore without appreciation or support. And, as staffers leave, they are asked and guilted to do more.
  • Church members won’t come back. People in your congregation pick up on things real quick. They notice how people act and treat others. They notice when there is poor leadership and culture. There is only so much they will put up with over time and will eventually leave.
Unfortunately, Church leadership will highlight that COVID is the reason why all the above things are happening at their Church. But, if you look a little deeper into it, toxic leadership will be at the heart of it. Don’t let a toxic leadership and culture seep into your Church. Don’t let it destroy your Church. What do you think? How have you seen toxic leadership and culture impact Churches? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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