How Video Worship Can Be Impactful for Your Student Ministry

  Video worship is not ideal. It’s not live and in person. But what can you do if you don’t have any leaders or leaders who can lead worships for your ministry? That is where video worship comes into play. You can do this a few different ways:

  • Go to YouTube and get lyric videos to play on the screen. There are some great lyric videos out there days.
  • Have worship leaders on the Worship team record a session before and you can play during the youth service.
  • Hand out pieces of paper with the worship lyrics on the page so they can read the song as it is being sung or sing along with the worship.
But again, video worship is not ideal. That is why you have to set it up well before you start. Cast the vision of what worship is and how students use that time as a time of reflection and mediation, not just singing. The more you cast vision and give students the freedom to experience it as they choose, you are setting you this time up for success which will, God willing, impact your student ministry for the long haul, even if you never have any “live” worship. ACTION STEPS: 
  • What do you think? What do you think of video worship? Have you used it or not? How did it go? Share what you do below or on social media using the hashtag #digitalin5 to share.
  • Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.
  • SUBSCRIBE: New episodes come out every other Wednesday. Subscribe on  iTunes, on Spotify, or on YouTube to make sure you get these each and every week!  And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it.
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