Inspiring Quotes from Exponential DC 2019

New Life Christian Church I have had a lot of opportunities to attend a variety of conferences. Two of the ones I’ve attended the most have been the Orange Conference and Exponential. I’ve enjoyed attending both main conferences and their regional ones. As it has been since they started doing Regional Conferences, New Life has hosted the Exponential DC Regional Conference. And, over that time, I’ve helped out in different capacities, mainly Chat Hosting and doing social media. As I did that again this year, I took some notes and here are some of the encouragement and inspiration I heard from the different speakers that presented. Keri Ladouceur

  • The power that God used to place Jesus Christ at the right hand in the heavenly realm is available to us today.
  • What I know for sure is God’s desires for us are undoubtedly bigger than the greatest visions we dare to dream!
  • Whose power are you operating in?
  • The power that God used to place Jesus at His right hand is available to us today
  • When God said he is over all things, he is over all things.
  • Every need that you need met, they fall under the authority of Christ, that is good news.
  • When you send people out to do your thing rather than Gods thing, that’s not mobilization, it is objectification!
  • Your vision is too small, if you can even accomplish it, in your power.
  • Jesus is more
Brett Andrews
  • Jesus is calling your Church to MORE not tomorrow but today.
  • One shift we have to take is a shift in ownership.
  • If you will be faithful with what he’s given you, maybe he will give you more. That is an ownership issue.
  • Is your identity wrapped up in the identity of your church?
  • Is your confidence in strategies and tools or in the fact that Jesus is your Good Shepherd and you are hearing and obeying Him daily?
  • Where is your confidence? Is it in the flesh or is it in God?
  • The reason there aren’t disciple multiplying movements in the U.S. is because the West is fascinated with the complicated.
Michael Carrion –
  • In order to plant this Church I needed not another gimmick but the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Nothing taught me how to engage a person who was gender confused. I needed more of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Church has gotten lost in elitism.
  • Mobilize the entire Church not just the people you like in the Church.
  • We take all of this anointing that God has given and put it in a box in the church. The church needs to go more into the street to bring the Kingdom of God!
  • We have to remember and never lose sight that we are a people of the resurrection.
  • More of Jesus, less of our division talk, less of our politics.
  • The gospel is justice.
  • We serve a God of the resurrection.
  • I’ve learned that when I love people I never have to worry about the numbers.
Michael Lee
  • God does not need us to accomplish immeasurably more, but He decided to partner with mankind to do immeasurably more.
  • God is never going to do your part. The encouraging thing is that our part is never the supernatural. That’s God’s part.
  • The supernatural, secret ingredient, of Jesus to save the world is the unity of the church.
  • If we would start doing our part, God will do his part
  • To fulfill Jesus’ prayer we have to start somewhere.
Drew Hyun –
  • Prestige and money are awful reasons to be a pastor.
  • The western church is marred by a consumeristic mentality, being competitive and a celebrity culture
  • When God increases and I decrease, it becomes about the power of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God that goes into every area of society.
  • It’s not about a celebrity pastor, it’s not about a building, it’s about the unstoppable force where the name of Jesus is lifted high
Alan Hirsch –
  • God has already given us everything we need to change the world. We simply need to do it according to what God has coded within us.
  • We are designed for world transformation and God has given us everything we need.
  • If you want to be a movement you have to have Unity
Grant Skeldon
  • Most get saved when they are young but few get discipled.
  • People are sincerely wondering why are we (Christians)…
  • The best secret to reach the next generation is simply this: “Go and make disciples”.
  • It’s not going to be cool tips and tricks to reach the next generation
  • They don’t connect to institutions but they connect with individuals who are connected to institutions
  • We need to ask how do we train millennials to reach their generation
  • Why is the most cause oriented generation in the world right now neglecting the most caused oriented institution?
  • Make the Commission Great Again
  • Discipleship isn’t adding something to your calendar. It’s adding someone to your calendar.
  • Do you want to see them changed? Call them to something more.
  • Christians sometimes aren’t born again, they’re often bored again, because all we call them to is next Sunday.
  • What you count and what you celebrate creates your culture.
  • A lot of people aren’t just far from God but they are hurt by Church
  • Church becomes a pitstop and we get them back in the game as quickly possible.
Albo Esilaba
  • Move from more programs to more mission fields
  • All people need is a little nudge.
  • As long as you are out there with people, eating and drinking together, good things will happen
  • The Kingdom of God moves! It does not stay put.
Ralph Moore
  • The crisis brings me back to 27 years old and scared….If I live there then God gets to do His thing through me.
  • I want to live like I’m helpless and that He is helpful.
Joby Martin
  • You talk about Jesus and you talk about 30 minutes. And I’ve been doing it ever since.
  • To Youth Pastors “Even if you screw the whole thing up, you have a brand new congregation every 4 years. “
  • The thing that is holding you back is fear because fear immobilizes.
  • Fear is not a feeling. Fear is a spirit and that spirit does not come from God
  • If you have a lot of doubt you will make a great disciple. See the New Testament.
  • By faith if you pick up your doubt and follow after Jesus all your fears will go away.
  • If you want a comfortable life, do not plant a Church. However, if the sovereign king of the universe has put a call on your life that call is irrevocable. Don’t look back on your life and wonder what if.
  • Fear is a liar. The enemy’s native tongue is a lie. You need to guard against that. Part of the way to guard against it is follow the pattern of sound words.
  • Turn the What if’s into Why Not’s
  • He has called ordinary men and women like us to turn the world upside down.
If you are interested in attending Exponential Regional Conferences or the main conference, click here to register today. If you would like to get sessions from all the Regional and Main Conference sessions, include Exponential DC, click here. Have you been an Exponential Conference before? What was said or done that encouraged or inspired you? Share it below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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