Is Satan lurching around the Corner?

1 Peter 5:8). Over the summer the Church just hired a new female Youth Staff Associate to support our growing youth program and to help us minister to the girls better. I’ve talked about her before, but Katie is a great young lady who has a tremendous gift of relational ministry to girls as well as “out of the box” thinking to reach students for Christ. I have been bless to be working beside her, so again, I thought Satan would be lurching around the corner trying to mess this up somehow. In addition to hiring Katie, our youth program was coming off a solid summer where we had a great mission trip and built lots of community amongst the students. I have seen relationships develop and be nurtured in a positive, Christlike way and I knew that this bonding was going to have a positive effect on our program. Students also grew in their faith during this trip and took some great steps of faith over the summer. Therefore, I knew Satan was going to be lurching around the corner ready to try to mess this up somehow. Lastly, I was headed into the fall at a time when I was learning a lot. I had just finished taking a great PostModern class from Reformed Theological Seminary and was reading some good ministry related books. Because of that, I felt that I was going to be better equipped to lead our leaders and in turn, they were going to be more effective ministers to the students than in years past. Again, I knew Satan wouldn’t like this so I knew he would be lurching around corner ready to pounce. Because of all these great and positive things happening in my life and ministry, I knew that Satan would be lurching around the corner, trying to take me out. The only thing left to figure out was exactly how he was going to get to me. What was he going to do and how? As with everything in life, when you think you have figured it out, Satan attacked me in an unexpected way and oh boy he did not disappoint. I’m not going to go into the exact details of what happened but I will say that it had nothing to do with me personally (ie, infidelity or any kind of personal or ministry integrity issue). He came at me hard this year with a full attack and there were times when I have felt done and defeated. Satan was taking some really good licks at me. The fact is, Satan wants all believers dead where we can make no impact for Christ whatsoever. Considering that we are all Youth Ministers who are in the trenches everyday for the eternal lives of countless youth, Satan must turn up the attacks even more. He is out to destroy our marriages, our families, our ministry, our friendships and anything else around us in order to eliminate our effectiveness for Christ! Through it all, my encouragement has been and still remains that if Satan is lurching around the corner, God is always with me. These attacks by Satan has caused me to TURN TO THE LORD ALL THE MORE!. I am determined not go be taken out by Satan. Therefore, the more he attacks, the more I am driven by the power of Christ to perservere. James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This past year has been a real test of faith as I have had to cling to him more and more each day. I have turned to the Lord countless times defeated and alone, but I know that he is there for me and helps me persevere. This past year has not been easy, but I believe that I am better off from it, my family is better off and the youth at Cedar Run are better off because of this. Because of what I have been going through, I wanted this to be an encouragement to other believers and minister who may have gone through similar things or who will go through them sooner or later. A few questions I had for you are these:

  • Is Satan lurching around the corner? Is he hanging around, messing with your life in some way as well?
  • What do you do when you have Satan lurching around the corner, ready to devour you?
  • Where do you go and how do you process so that you can stay strong for Christ?
I believe these are important questions to ask and try to figure out so that when Satan does put on the full court press, we are ready and will be able to stand firm for the Lord. As Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:10-18, our battle is not in flesh and blood, but “against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).  Therefore, we have to be on our guard, ready to respond.  We have to remember at all times that our enemy is powerful, but OUR LORD HAS BEEN AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE VICTORIOUS!  No matter what Satan brings at you, you can overcome in the power of the Lord. So, right now, TAKE A MINUTE and…
  1. Pray! Pray for yourself and others around you so that all believers and ministers can cling to Christ and stand strong for him despite the numerous and unexpected attacks by Satan.
  2. Be on guard. Satan will attack at any time. Keep roadblocks in place so that you do not give him a foothold to use against you in any way. Be a man or woman of integrity at all times and be pursuing Christ always.
If you have thoughts or encouragement about this topic, please post them so that we can all be encouraged and inspired to pursue the Lord all the more. I am praying for you all. May God bless your work.]]>

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