Is this who I am going to see at Orange '11?

Just kidding, but seriously, I was wondering “who” I will be seeing at Orange ’11.  What I mean by “who” is what will the 2011 stereotypical Student Ministry Director look like. To give you a little context, every conference I go to, everyone always looks the same.  For instance, when I went to a Youth Specialities conference in 1999, all the youth directors has Tevas, goatees (or some sort of facial hair), bandanas, and cut off shorts of some kind – hence the above picture :).  It was amazing how much everyone looked like each other.  When I went to a Pastors conference earlier this year most Pastors had  a soul patch and some sort of alternative hairstyle to fit with the younger generation. So, just for fun and games, TAKE A MINUTE and describe “who” do you think we will see at Orange ’11?  What will they look like and how will they act (both women and men please)?  Let’s have a little fun with this.]]>

2 Replies to “Is this who I am going to see at Orange '11?”

  1. Never been, but dying to go. May get to one day. I'm gonna say that with the emphasis on kids, you'll see many more soccer-mom-van women than at other conferences. And for the guys, I'm gonna say more hair gel and less goatee than at YS! (But still plenty of Rob Bell glasses… this is a hip conference after all…)

    1. Yes, Rob Bell glasses are probably going to be plentiful. I'll keep you posted on how many I see. Hopefully next year you can go.

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