It's the most MISERABLE time of the year

In addition to your extra Church responsibilities, you are juggling there are other responsibilities you have at home as well that can add stress to your life. When you combine this all together, it can make the Christmas season the most miserable time of the year. And while bosses and other ministers may say, “It’s only a few weeks of stress”, guess what happens shortly after Christmas? EASTER! And the stresses just come right back. Now, the reality is that it doesn’t have to be all miserable. There may not be many things you can do leading up to this season to make it less miserable. One thing you can do once Christmas is over is TAKE A BREAK. Literally, relax and enjoy some time away from the office. Here are some things you can do on your Christmas break to recover from all the work you have been doing.. But, here is the challenge for you to do over the next week or so. Once you get back from your time out of the office after Christmas, make sure you also process and evaluate what you did this past Christmas so you don’t have to be so stressed and miserable next year. By default Christmas and Easter are naturally going to be very busy and stressful times of the year for ministers and Churches. But, it doesn’t have to be a miserable time of the year ether. Make sure next year will be less stressful and chaotic by processing and evaluating now. And here is to you having a Merry Christmas this year and all the years to come. Merry Christmas everyone! What do you think? How have you navigated Christmas to it’s not a miserable time of the year? What do you do?  Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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