It's the Summer of Friends

Like the Friends Reunion, reunions, in general, are great experiences. It is always a great time with old friends where you share memories, catch up on what is happening currently and often laugh. They are often fun and encouraging times together. Student Ministers have a fantastic opportunity every summer to have a friends reunion type of event(s) with former students. At my Church, I started an “Alumni” group about 6 years ago as a chance for former students to reunite together, laugh, catch up and learn more about Jesus over the summer together. It has been going ever since and is always a highlight for many students and leaders as we spend the summer together. Do you do something like this in your ministry? Do you have a friends reunion or sorts with former students? Even if it is a handful of students, it can be a great source of encouragement and hope throughout the summer, and possibly into the year. Summer presents this great opportunity. I would strongly encourage you to use it to reconnect and reengage former students. Post things you do with your former students the reunites and encourages them below or on social media using #ymsidekick.  

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