Joe Nobody & your place where nobody knows your name

Do you have a hiding place? Do you have a spot where you can go and be alone, where nobody knows your name? Do you have a place where you can be “Joe Nobody”? I know this sounds odd that I am encouraging you to go get lost & vanish, but my encouragement and challenge to you is to find a place where you can break away from the daily grind and focus. It doesn’t have to be a coffee shop. It can be a secluded place in the park or a never used place in your church building (I have a friend who used to go up to the church steeple sometimes to get away). Wherever you choose to go, make it your own and take some time regularly to spend up there. Again not so you can vanish from relevance but so you can focus & spend some time with God & yourself. In the daily grind of life, time alone is a precious commodity – especially when you start to have children of your own. TAKE A MINUTE right now think of a few places you could go. Then go and try them out and see which place makes you feel the most comfortable & productive. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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