It’s no secret that we live in a digital and online age. Technology now shapes the way we communicate, build and develop relationships, get information, and much more. If this wasn’t the case before the COVID pandemic, it became the case during and after COVID. And this shift has had an impact on faith and Church life. More Churches now live-stream services, have online small groups and Bible studies, and are using social media as missionary opportunities.
While many Churches and ministry leaders have embraced the shift to online ministry, not all have, even with the benefits it gives Churches in today’s world. That is why I think it is important to keep an open mind to online ministry. Here are a few reasons why:
- Church History. The early church has a history of demonstrating a remarkable tendency to adapt for the sake of their mission. They never sacrificed the doctrine, but they were always willing to change. The same is true with this new digital and online world we are living in. While standing firm in doctrine, we can use media and technology to share the message of Christ without compromising it.
People Increasingly Connect Online. While Gen Xers and other older generations remember a time when there wasn’t this kind of technology available, today’s generations use online platforms and smartphones to connect with people all over the world. In fact, younger generations communicate heavily on their smart devices today. But, don’t discount the older generations. They have shown a great capacity and ability to learn the newer platforms to stay connected to their families and friends. Because people are increasingly connecting online, it makes sense that the Church uses this to connect people to faith and the family of believers.
- Increases Our Outreach Possibility. Because so many people are online, doing online ministry expands our ability to reach people who don’t go to Church or are involved in faith exponentially. Even if you are a smaller church, through online tools, you have to opportunity to engage a global audiences. Whether they are a younger generation scrolling through social media, shut-ins who cannot get out, or seekers who are reluctant to visit a physical building, they can all engage in your online ministry efforts.
- Technology is a Resource and Tool. While online ministry is very helpful and can help you reach people all over the world, the reality is, there is no substitute for in-person community. Online ministry is a great resource and tool that allows us to share Biblical teaching, worship, devotional, online groups and Bible studies as well as other discipleship content. It even allows us people to give to the mission.
With online and digital tools the mission remains the same. Reach people for Christ. Adapting to the growing tech world we live in doesn’t mean we have to compromise Biblical truth. It is my hope that churches will approach online ministry with creativity and open minds, embracing this new avenue as a tool for greater Kingdom impact. The digital age is here. Let’s use it to glorify God and serve His people in fresh ways.
Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How else can ministers get to know people in their Church? Share them below or on social media.
Interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!