New Life Christian Church) has asked me to become the new Online Campus Pastor for our new mission. It was an exciting opportunity for me because I have really enjoyed the social media side of youth ministry as well as a new chance to start a ministry up.
However, as I’ve gotten into the process of doing a lot of behind the scenes work while preparing for the launch of this Online Campus, I have realized that I’m out of practice on starting up. And, starting up a Campus (even if it is online) is different than starting or revitalizing a Youth Ministry program.
Thankfully I’ve had the ability to talk to 2 people on Staff at New Life to help me process and plan as they’ve had a lot of experiences helping other Churches launch and even relaunch.
For instance, meeting with them have reminded me and also brought up important components of laucnhing a new ministry such as the importance of vision, beginning with the end in mind, as well as developing a prayer team, budget, demographic assessment and marketing plan. It’s been very helpful and enlightening as it’s been a great experience overall. But there is so much to learn still.
So, I’m wondering, have you ever launched a ministry before? If so, what were the 3-4 steps you took into launching that ministry with success?