Orange Conference 2019.
Selfies tell the story of “me”. Who am I?
It’s an opportunity for us to get to know each other better.
When you discover what matters to people is you get to know how to win others.
These generations are about winning.
Selfies are a declaration that I am worth it. What I am doing matters.
This generation wants to return back to a biblical mode of ministry. They want community. They want to belong.
The community it’s helps teach people.
The selfie defines what matters to me.
Religion is not relevant to this generation.
Jesus is our model. He didn’t wait for Sunday to do healings and teachings. He did it right then and there.
To reach this generation we need to embrace a call to serve…not to grow Sunday attendance.
Faith is not 90 min on Sunday.
This generation has a deep sense of social justice.
Many people believe their lives don’t matter.
Social justice is central to how this generation sees their faith.
We live in a generation that doesn’t understand racial divide.
If we want to reach this generation we need to recognize their passion for social justice.
A lot of what we do is behind closed doors. This generation doesn’t see what churches are doing. They are not seeing what churches are doing.
A big deterrent for this generation is that they see the Church as a place of hate not as one as a place of love.
We can reach this generation because of love.
1. A faith that isn’t righting wrongs isn’t a faith they want to be apart of. How are we bringing faith to the hurting? The Bible says they will know you by your love!
2. A faith that doesn’t achieve anything isn’t a faith they want to be apart of. Thy want to achieve. They want to succeed and leave a legacy. Ask them what they want to get behind.
3. Faith must be a conversation that accounts for something. Make it interactive. The one way form of communication is not the way they communicate anymore. They interact by asking questions.
- Bring faith to life in the lives of those who are hurting.
- Remember that this generation is motivated by achievement
- Make it a conversation.
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