@drjimburns) at the Orange Conference 2019.
Attached here is a handout entitled, “Lead Kids towards Sexual Integrity at Every Phase” that he passed out during the session. Right below here are my actual notes from his session.
Kids need honest, positive, Christian input on sexuality the goal is sexual integrity with a Biblical foundation
We are allowing the world to talk about sex while the Church keeps its mouth shut. That needs to change,
The less baggage we bring into our marriage the better our marriage will be and it starts with sexual integrity and purity.
God created sex. It wasn’t created by Satan. And sex was very good…not just good but very good.
God sets up boundaries so that good decisions can happen…do not commit adultery. Avoid sexual immorality…not avoid sex but sexual immorality.
There is no such thing as casual sex. It’s too God-ordained.
There are consequences that are emotional when it comes to sex.
Start talking to kids in preschool…3-5 years old. GOD MADE YOUR BODY.
- You name the parts. You begin to talk to them.
- Start talking about God’s wonderful plan
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