wrote that it was a game changer, which it is. But reThink just took a game-changer and made it even more epic and vital for Family, Children and Student Ministries.
How can you take something that was great and make it even better?
It’s through Goweekly.com. Goweekly.com is apart of the reThink Group (aka Orange) and is part of their plan to help ministry leaders, parents and small group leaders interact in unison towards the common goal of helping more students come to know Christ and live for Him.
In the little bit of time I’ve had to start working in my own Goweekly.com account for our ministry, I have been blown away by it. It is really amazing and here are the top 4 reasons I love this:
- It doesn’t matter what curriculum you use. Every leader has their preferences of curriculum. Whether it is your own self-designed ones or other great curriculums out there, you can use it on Goweekly.com! Even though you can use the Orange curriculum from reThink, you don’t HAVE to use it. It is so nice having the freedom to put what you want in the app and be able to get it out to your leaders and parents easily.
- The Lead Small app is now customizable for all churches. Let’s be honest, most of the time leaders customize canned curriculum anyways. So now, for just $14.99 a month per church, you can tailor curriculum, leader training, parent communtion all within the Lead Small app (which is free). Simple as that!
- Your whole Family Ministry can use it! It’s NOT just a Children’s Ministry program or Student Ministry program. It’s for everyone so you can share resources and the expense of the customizing of it.
- There is a weekly to do list so that it is easy to follow. It really helps you answer the question, “What do I need to do this week?” and get it done.
Can you have several different curriculums in the same subscription? Our PreK/K class uses a different curriculum but we would love to be able to include them in this.
I’m sorry for the delayed response. YES! You can tailor it to your particular curriculum for each specific age group.