Lesson Learned from Ministering during a Pandemic

Digital Missionaries. A few months ago, many people would not know what this is or how to do digital ministry. However, now we all have the opportunity NOW to be Digital Missionaries, people who use digital tool and and social media to reach people for Christ. Here is how you can be a Digital Missionary today. Connection is key. Even with their smartphones, students are really disconnected now. They are bored. They need meaningful connection away from their phones with people. Try new things and Switch things up. This is your opportunity to try new things and experiment in ministry. I have discovered that bosses and Church leaders are excited when you try new ways to reach students, especially when there is a pandemic going around that has turned the world upside down. Try new things and switch things up to see what works and what doesn’t. Find the “add” you can keep doing. The great thing with experimenting and trying new things is that maybe you discover something new that you can keep doing. Think through and process what you can carry over as an “add” when things settle down a bit. Sustainability is key. As you try new things it can be easy to load up so much that you will not be able to keep pace with it once you continue to juggle online and in person gatherings. Continue to do what works as long as it is sustainable long term. If you can’t continue to do all the new things you are doing with all the old things you were doing, Zoom fatigue is a real thing. Zoom has proven to be a very powerful and effective tool to connect with people. But doing that as your only means of connecting with others can cause a fatigue with leaders and those you are ministering to. Old School Ministry still is effective. Phone calls, care packages, and letters, just to name a few, are really effective ways to minister to students and their families still. Online ministry gets a lot of attention now, which it should, but there are plenty of other great opportunities to connect with people that were effective years ago. Find time to Rest. Whether it’s a pandemic or something else that comes up, there can be a tendency to overdo and overwork while you try to figure out how to best serve and minister. The problem is that eventually you will burn out if you don’t take time to rest. Find the time to relax and rest during this very busy time. Ministering during a pandemic has taught us so much. These are just some of the lessons learned ministering during a pandemic. And while they are not the only ones, this pandemic will continue to last for a while longer which will only increase our chances of learn more and grow as ministry leaders. As legendary coach John Wooden once said, “Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be”. Learn and grow from each success or failure during this time and see how God uses your hard work for His glory. What about you? What lessons learned have you had while ministering during a pandemic? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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