Summer Internships are great for college students to learn the ropes of how to do a job in their field of study. And having summer Interns are great for employers to have some young college students around to invest in and see if they might be some future employees once they get out of college.
This past summer Tom helped to bring in 5 summer interns to help out at New Life. In addition, he brought Ebony Bright (a former summer Intern) back as a Resident and Summer Intern Coordinator. Tom has always been a huge proponent of summer internships because not only did he do summer internships while he was in college but he sees these are great opportunities for churches and students alike.
But it’s hard work and takes a lot of time and effort. That is why today Tom and Ebony talk about:
- What Ebony’s ministry background is
- 3 things Tom saw in how Ebony lead the Summer Interns that made it effective
- Other things Ebony did to help make this summer successful, not just for the Interns but for the Church as well.