Look who is coming to Orange '12 this year: VENDORS!

  • Upwards Sports
  • Dave Ramsey
  • MailChimp
  • BigStuf
  • ROAR
  • Married People
  • Momentum Media
  • TOMS
  • INCN (CPC)
  • YS
  • I’m really excited about these for a variety of reasons – technology, social activism and creativeness of their companies.  I know what these companies do and I completely support it and want to learn more about them.  But the great news is that these are just some of the  MANY vendors who will be there.  There are going to be more that will you will be able to meet up with and talk to see how them and their products can help you improve your ministry or even give you a cause that your ministry can support. The vendors there is just 1 of the many reasons why Orange 12 is going to be a great, great conference.]]>

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