Looking for a new Minister or Church, ask this group to help

“While working at one of the top technology search firms, I was in leadership at my local church and knew lots of folks in ministry – it became evident that churches and pastors struggled finding the “right” long-term fit… I realized that the process needed to be tweaked to help.”  Have you ever been on a search team before?  Have you ever “struggled” to find the right fit?  I have and it stinks! In some ways you feel so helpless.  You know the right person is out there but you need some help! He went on to say that he felt that in order for the church and the candidate to rightly discern what God was doing, they had the put the right process in place and attain the right amount of information from both parties to make a great match. And making great matches is what MinisterSearch has been doing.  It has grown a lot over the past 3 years and more and more people and churches are looking towards MinisterSearch for their next hire or position.  In fact, MinisterSearch is now the official Search Firm of Orange! Being one who had to look for the right job on my own before, I always wished there was someone or some group to help me find that right fit for me.  With MinisterSearch, both churches and ministers have a person who is working hard to make that happen. Churches, are you looking for that perfect match for your kingdom work?  Ministers, looking for your next position to continue God’s work?  Look no further than David Lyons and his team at MinisterSearch.  You won’t regret it.  Check them out here!]]>

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