Making Changes – Part 1: Programmatic Changes

here. So how does this apply to ministry? Sometimes changes need to be made in ministry.  There are all different kinds of changes, but this week I will focus on 3 specific changes that you may encounter one time or another as the Point Person/Department Head/Director of your particular ministry.  These 3 are:

  1. Programmatic
  2. Strategic
  3. Staffing/Volunteer
Today’s focus is on programmatic changes.  No matter how successful a program has been in the past, it may not be cutting the mustard anymore.  That is when changes need to happen.  Whether it is drastic changes like discontinuing a program or more simple changes that add spunk and life back into it, sometimes change can be the best thing for a program or activity you do. For instance, when I was the Youth Pastor at Cedar Run Community Church we tried over and over to get an effective Sunday night program in place. It was just not working, no matter what we tried.  Eventually, after a few years of trying different formats and elements, we hit a pretty good model that worked for us.  The key for us is that we kept on trying.  We didn’t stop and say, “well if kids are coming to this program, to heck with them.  We’re keeping it the way it is and they’ll miss out”.  There may have been times when I felt that way, but we didn’t do that.  We gave the program a chance to be successful but then cut it when it wasn’t working. Eventually, we did find the right format for us that drew the right amount of students that we were able to say that it was a success.  But it would not have been possible if we had not taken a hard look at the program and kept on trying to make the necessary changes to make it successful. So what about you?  Are there programmatic changes that need to take place in your ministry?  Right now, TAKE A MINUTE and do a quick overview of your programs.  Ask yourself,  what are we doing right now that is not working?  What changes need to be made so that you can make them successful or eliminate them?  If changes can’t be made to make them successful, eliminating them is the only option because you are just wasting yours and others time by putting on a program that isn’t working. The one challenge with eliminating programs is that do not get rid of the program and replace it with nothing.  If you eliminate it and offer nothing else for the students to benefit from, then the students will lose.  The goal here in making programmatic changes is to not do less. Rather it is to offer programs that are meeting students where they are at and helping them discover who Christ is and grow in that relationship.  So be wise in your changes because it is for the sake of students hearing about and growing in Christ. Thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?  I would love to hear your feedback]]>

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