3 Ways to Invest in your Children

While parenting books are great, I firmly believe that there is nothing that can fully prepare you for your children. Parents really are left to figure it out on the run…on the job training.  While this is true, there were and are a few things that I did and still do that made an impact.

  • Circle Time. Circle time was our time at night right before they went to bed that we literally got in a circle to talk about our day, go over what was going to happen the next day. It was important while my girls were younger to make sure we were all on the same page on what happened and what will be happening in the day(s) ahead. 
  • Be there. Consistency matters. Children need stability, someone they will know that will be there. We talk about this a lot in ministry for leaders to be consistent in the lives of students but it also applies to your family life. Your children want to see you in the stands cheering them on or in the auditorium supporting them. They want you to go to the parent/teacher conferences that schools have. Showing up is such an underrated aspect that parenting that is key.
  • Pray for them. I pray for them a lot. We pray at meals, we pray before bed and I pray for them before they walk out the door on their way to school or an event. This was modeled to me by a parent of one of my friends growing up. She would always pray for her son every time we went out. I pray for my children and I pray for them to make wise, godly decisions because I know that no matter how much I teach and support them, they are ultimately going to be left making the decision once they leave my house. So I pray that God is with them and guides them.
Every family is different. Not all strategies and formulas that you read about in the books or seminars will work for you family. I have found these three simple actions I did and continue to do with my children have helped a lot and have made a difference in how they live their lives today. Are you a parent? What do you do?  How do you invest in your children? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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