How to make your Super Bowl Party Extraordinary

here. [caption id="attachment_8241" align="alignleft" width="259"]super bowl Students get super pumped about the Super Bash every year![/caption] Our Super Bash is something I look forward to EVERY year!  That is because it has become more than just an event or gathering to watch football.  It has become an amazing event that students cant wait to happen every year as well. So how do you make it extraordinary to the point where new people will want to come back again? Here are 3 things I’ve discovered over the many years doing Super Bowl Parties for our student ministry:

  1. Make it memorable.  Anyone can go to a Super Bowl party.  But what can you do that separates it from other gatherings? Considering that at most parties they just watch the game and commercials, it shouldn’t be too hard to make it a place where memories happen.  Whether it is having a halftime show (which I strongly recommend) or include some awesome games or activities during the game, think of something you can do that will cause students to go, “Wow!  I can’t believe that just happened”.
  2. Make it interactive.  The Super Bowl party doesn’t have to be just about watching the football game.  In fact, it shouldn’t be just that.  Have a bunch of stuff going on at the same time because the reality is not everyone likes football. I know, shocking, but it’s true.  So have board games out, videos games to play
  3. Share Christ.  This doesn’t always have to be about verbal proclamation, although that would be ideal.  But it can involve how you treat students and interact with them.  By you showing the love of Christ to others you are sharing about Christ!
When you are able to do these 3 things, you leave students wanting more which means you’ve created something extraordinary. And when that happens, students are more likely to come back to your next student ministry event which will hopefully lead more students to come to know Jesus. And that is why I LOVE the annual Super BASH. When done right and made extraordinary, there are more students who get to hear about Christ and hopefully, one day, come to know Him as their savior.  So when you putting together the final touches of your gathering on Super Bowl Sunday, take that extra step, go the extra mile to make is special.  Why? All so that some teen may be able to hear about Christ and their live be forever changed. So what about you? How have you made your student ministry Super Bowl party extraordinary?  Share your stories below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can be encouraging each other in the new year! Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]  ]]>

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