Although I have never met him, I’ve always like Brian Williams as the face of NBC News. He seemed nice, caring and authentic…and from what I’ve read he wasn’t just that way in public but he was a very nice, approachable and caring man in his private life as well. He had a great reputation.
Well, in case you’ve missed it, NBC News Anchor Brian Williams is facing tough questions right now and his accounts on past events are now being questioned. The reason? Because he revealed this past week that he lied about an Iraq War account he reported on air. Some people are now calling for him to be fired and let go as he is no longer a face of integrity that a News agency needs.
Even though Student and Online Ministers may not be as high profile as Brian Williams, we are still a face of our ministry and should be held to the same standard as he is.
[Tweet “Ministers need to be people of honesty and integrity.”]
We need to be truthful, even when it is hard. We don’t need to inflate our numbers falsely to make ourselves look good or tell stories about our past that never happened just to appear cool or relevant to teens.
We have to be honest in all that we do. If we fail in that, not only do we lose, but others who look up to us and are inspired by us will be disappointed as well.
Thoughts? Comments? Share below or on social media what you think about what ministers can learn from the Brian Williams situation.]]>