MinWrap 5.1 – Orange Conference Style

Unknown-2 This week is Orange Conference Week!  Lots of great learning going on just outside of Atlanta, Georgia right now.  Here are just SOME of the things you may have missed so far… Stat of the week: Starting at 30 percent in 9th grade, the percentage of students who become sexually active jumps 10 percent every year. (From Reggie’s Joiner’s Session #1 message) Quote to ponder: Leaders who can’t be questioned end up doing questionable things.” – JonAcuff Orange Conference Recap Blogs to look at…

Video of the Week: [youtube]https://youtu.be/bLBSoC_2IY8[/youtube] The Orange Conference reminds us every year to have fun!  That is one of the things I’ve always loved about it and missed about it by not being able to go this year.  Even though I couldn’t get the actually footage of Tripp and Tyler doing lip sync, it was no doubt started by Jimmy Fallon and his lip sync battles.  So watch one now and then try to do this with your group. ]]>

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