MinWrap 7.3

Stat of the week:  Want to reach more people?  Maybe you can try YouTube.  Did you know that YouTube has more than 1 billion users (thanks YouTube for that stat)?  Now might be a good time to start doing some video stuff in your ministry. Quote to ponder: “A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.” – John Lubbock Ministry Blogs to look at…

5 reasons to include volunteers in planning” by Justin Knowles

The Power of Retreat for Youth Workers” by Josh Griffin

Ideas for Fall Outreach” by Stan Rodda

Video of the Week: [youtube width=”650″ height=”400″]https://youtu.be/Bzx6mwGdTj8[/youtube] I tried something new this week by taking my Meerkat video (which is in portrait mode) and cropping it to put on YouTube.  What do you think?  I know it leaves a lot to be desired, but I experimented and tried something new to communicate my message.  So, I hope this inspires you or challenges you to try something new today as well…and to maybe nudges you to try out one of these blogs I highlighted. 🙂 Are there other stats, quotes or blogs that you found interesting this week? If so, share them below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can learn and benefit from each other. ]]>

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