MinWrap 8.21

Stat of the week: 33% of churches use outdated social media icons on their website. (Thanks ChurchMag) Quote to ponder: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney Ministry Blogs to look at…

Don’t Be An Isolated Leader” by Justin Knowles

“By the Numbers: How Churches Are REALLY Communicating Online [Infographic]”  by ChurchMag

“3 Questions with Kenny Jahng” by Nils Smith

“The Big Mistake I’m Seeing In 2015 With Church Communications” by Brady Shearer

Podcast IconYM Sidekick Podcast:  I had to change the feed of the YM Sidekick Podcast.  Please make sure you resubscribe to the podcast here! Are there other stats, quotes or blogs that you found interesting this week? If so, share them below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can learn and benefit from each other. ]]>

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