Ministers work a crazy life. Rarely are there days in which there are 9-5 days and Monday – Friday work weeks. In fact, I don’t know any minister who works 9-5 and just Monday through Friday. And, if you are a volunteer who is in a ministry position, your schedule is just as crazy because you come home from a 9-5 type job only to work into the nights helping a ministry out.
Because we work so hard and long, sometimes you need to…
- sleep in. I know this isn’t always possible if you have kids, but anytime you sleep a little longer than normal is a great idea.
- have a night in and not out with students or leaders
- watch a movie
- read a book (and not a “how to” ministry book)
- go into your child’s school and have lunch with them
- hit golf balls
- go on a lunch date with your spouse