the Monday Morning Debrief: What are you bringing to OC14?

Unknown-3Orange Conference ’14 is just a few days away and I’m packing.  And, as with any conference, you want to make sure you have all the right things along with you so you are prepared for all you will encounter.  That is why I am packing these necessities this year.

  • A Towel.  Yeah, I know seems obvious but not for me.  The reason is because I’ll be staying with a host family this year.  I did this a few years ago, but usually, I stay in a hotel.  However, this year I have the opportunity to stay with 2 other people who are are attending the Orange Conference at a host family’s house a few miles away from the Gwinnett Conference Center.  I’m really looking forward to meeting the hosts and the 2 others who will be staying there.
  • Orange clothes.  I have some orange clothes but for some reason I never seem to bring any of it to the Orange Conference…I can be kinda forgetful like that.  This year, that will change.  I have some Orange clothes I’m planning on bringing this year.
  • iPad Air…the LTE version.  Last year, I had the wifi only version and that costed me as I wasn’t able to post some things because the wifi was really bad at times.  So, when T-Mobile had a special on iPad Air LTE version, I jumped at the chance to get it so I would have it for OC ’14.
  • Apps.  I know this comes without question when you bring an iPad, but some Apps I’m looking forward to using are the WordPress, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (probably the most).  I’m also pumped about the Orange Conference App.  I used this last year and it was very helpful for me to find my way and figure out what I’m doing next.  If you don’t have it, download it now.
  • MacBook. I like my iPad Air but I need my MacBook.  I need my laptop to write and process things.  I can’t type nearly as fast and accurate on an iPad or iPhone.
  • Outside of apps, I want to use Camera and Video Camera more this year to do some short interviews, selfies and other cool photos of what’s happening at the conference.
So, those are some of the necessities I’m bringing.  What about you?  What are you packing that will help make this year’s Orange Conference the best one yet for you?]]>

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